What is Nursing Care and Who is it Suitable for?

There are many different types of Nursing care and many different options available to you, all at the same time. Considering all of them and understanding what Nursing Care is suitable for you can be a challenging process. Often people feel alone, unsupported and under pressure to know what to do for those they love the most.
We have gone into further detail below about what nursing care is and who it is best suited for to help provide peace of mind to those looking for a care home that offers specialised medical care.

What is Nursing Care?
Nursing Care is a care service that is provided and supervised by registered general nurses and offered to residents who require continuous medical and personal attention. It is also a great solution for those who need intensive rehabilitative care, after suffering from an injury. If residents have medical conditions, a terminal illness or require end-of-life care, nursing care can be provided by registered nurses.
Our nurses at Deeside Care Home use an approach called ‘key nursing’, which is where each resident is dedicated to their own registered nurse. This allows our residents to have a personalised experience and a familiar face that can provide 24/7 support to themselves and their family and friends. This approach also allows our residents to adopt independence within the residential care home to have a home-from-home experience.
Who is Nursing Care Suitable for?
Nursing care is the best solution for those who require intensive rehabilitative care after suffering from an injury, individuals with severe physical disabilities, those with long-term medical conditions and ongoing ill health.
Nursing Care for Rehabilitation
Convalescence care and short-term stays are available for residents to help with recovery and rehabilitation. When recovering from an injury it may not be safe to go straight home, having 24/7 constant support provided by a professional nurse can help aid in an effective and efficient recovery process.
We at Deeside Care Home encourage people staying with us to recuperate or recover to fully take advantage of the care we provide and the social activities going on within the residential care home. Whilst having your care needs tended to, participating in activities it a great way for residents to meet new people and try new things. If residents are bed bound, the activities staff can bring the activities to them.

Nursing Care for Disabilities
There are multiple different types of physical disabilities that might affect a person, elderly or not. Physical disabilities can result in a degree of reduced mobility and can limit people to what they can and can’t do regarding home and personal care tasks, such as personal care and hygiene.
For elderly people who are suffering from a physical disability, old age can bring added complications. Whether your loved one has mobility issues or suffers from a condition such as arthritis. Day-to-day living can become increasingly difficult, and you may be concerned that they are not as capable of being independent living in their own home as they once were.
We also have experience in caring for residents with Multiple Sclerosis, with the youngest resident we have supported being a gentleman aged 45. Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the brain and spinal cord which causes a wide range of potential symptoms, problems with vision, arm or leg movement or sensation and balance.
In these cases, 24-hour skilled nursing care is essential. The needs of a person with MS frequently exceed family resources and significant cognitive loss, incontinence, nutritional compromise, and/or respiratory issues require complex clinical care. Our nurses and carers provide tailored support for each resident we care for, and they receive training to ensure they are fully equipped to help our residents with the management of their symptoms.
If you think that you or your loved one is no longer managing alone, then it may be time to consider looking into your local nursing care home in Aberdeen for trustworthy and reliable support.
Long Term Nursing Care
Elderly people and those who suffer from chronic illnesses may find that they need help with day-to-day activities such as washing and dressing, or help with household activities such as cleaning and cooking. This type of non-medical support is given alongside medical care and is what is called long-term care.
Our nursing care is also suitable to support long term conditions, such as Huntington’s Disease. People with Huntington’s and their families may need a lot of support to help them at different stages. As the disease progresses, symptoms and needs change too. As the illness causes a progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain, this has an impact on a person’s functional abilities and usually results in movement, thinking and psychiatric disorders.
Our fully trained staff at Deeside are able to care for and help you and your family manage the different challenges of Huntington’s Disease and other long-term illnesses. Our nursing care has previously been recommended by the lead nurse as she was extremely impressed by the care we have to offer.
Palliative Care
Nursing care is offered to patients who require palliative care. Palliative care is specialised medical care for people living with a serious illness. This type of care is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness. The goal of offering nursing care to palliative care patients is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and the family.
At Deeside Care Home we offer residential care to palliative patients, and support residents who are at the end stage of their journey.
Nursing Care at Deeside Care Home
What to Expect at Deeside Care Home
Our qualified nurses and trained care assistants at our residential care home in Aberdeen are skilled, compassionate and are available day or night to give as much support and quality care as our residents require. We take a person-centred approach to all of our Nursing care. As a result of this, each resident receives care plans that are completely unique to them and their needs.
For those who are facing challenges both physically and mentally, our Nursing Care is the ideal care for them. Our nurses and care assistants are fully committed and go above and beyond to guarantee that our residents are receiving the best possible care. From helping with the morning and night routines to providing daily support, we’re always here to assist.
Included in our Nursing Care
Other activities and additional facilities are also included in the price of your stay at our residential care home. Each and every resident, for example, will have access to a variety of medical services, including:
- Access to a GP
We give our residents the option to have access to a GP, whether it is by themselves or with the assistance of a team member.
- Physiotherapy
Residents are able to book physiotherapy appointments through their local GP or privately, helping our residents back to feeling like their usual selves.
- Chiropody
We offer private Chiropodist visits every 6 weeks, residents can make arrangements with their own NHS Chiropodist if more frequent visits are required.
- Dental Service
Residents are provided with free access to a dentist's routine check-up. Any dental treatments can be arranged at an additional cost.
- Optical Service
Any optical concerns that residents may have can be seen by an optician as part of the living expenses for Deeside. Any further treatments or glasses will be charged at an additional cost.
6. Tailored Care Plan
Each resident is provided with a personalised care plan to ensure that they are getting the care that they truly need, just like what a district nurse would do if you had support within your own home. This plan assesses your medical conditions regularly and is updated when needed.
We want all of our residents and their loved ones to know that no matter what, our team is devoted to helping and providing outstanding Nursing Home Care and personal care every step of the way.
We strive to provide a home-from-home care home experience where residents feel loved, well-cared for and encouraged to make the most of every day. If you are looking to become part of our family at Deeside Care Home or have any further questions regarding our Nursing Care, what our home is like and if you require local authority funding, then contact us today we are more than happy to help aid you into making the right choice for your loved one.